Monday, May 19, 2008

I am not the Law yet but...

So some of you may not know but I am taking the L.E.E. on may 31st. Hey Rs3 what is the L.E.E.? well it's the Law Enforcement Examination, yeah that's right I am thinking of becoming an Officer of the Law. Here in the City that I love, It's a great career, 20 years of service then you get a good pension, insurance for myself and my family if I ever have one. But before I count my chickens, I have to A) pass the Test, and then if I do that and get the call I have to B) make it in the academy. To do that I have to be able to do at least35 sit ups and 26 push-ups in a minute, not to mention be able to run a 18 minute mile and a half. My ass is not ready for that I figure I have 6 months to get my ass in shape.
So I enlisted Sweetpea to be my coach. She is the one to motivate me to get out and run. she has already scolded me for not having running shoes already. I guess my first day of physical fitness started on Saturday.
She called me and told me to meet her at LampPost for a drink and that's when I asked her to be my coach. She said she would. So we left the Post, went down to her house so she could take a shower and what not the plan was to hit liberty state park to fly a kite (and no, I do not have herpes, you don't have to have herpes to fly a kite, but according to the commercials for Valtrax, I think it helps.) So we walked from her place to the Park she was armed with her skateboard and I was armed with a Kite. she was doing a little bit of skating and I ran along side her to keep up. then we walked some some point we got to the area in the park where they have the workout stations, so she said well might as well start to work out now, so we did the park work out. It was fun sit ups I did them, push ups I did them, and I was feeling proud of myself. we walk a little more then flew our kite and headed home. when I finally got back to my place I was fuckin sore. I took a really hot shower and the said fuck it ran a bath and relaxed in my jacuzzi tub (oh yeah that's right we have one here at the 3-2-8) I ten went to Lucky's to grab some food and some drinks, meet up with Ed, Zack, The Reverend Dan and Cindy. after a few drinks I went out to a party near the heights with LuLu, we had a really good time she got drunk and we headed home...the rest is sleep. so yeah I guess this starts my new regimen of work out. I sit and write this while waiting for coach Sweetpea to call me so we can go for a run...whoo hoo. well that's it for now don't forget to keep your toaster out of the bathroom.


Anonymous said...

hey man its dave, if my fat ass made it through military boot camp youll make it through the police academy! just do like i did, it sounds silly, but since i was the fatest guy in boot camp i wouldnt ever allow myself to be last, even if i puked or was sore for hours afterwards, i didnt care if i came in next to last just make sure you always finish before someone. it makes you feel better about what your doing. by the way ill talk to my friend lenny, his uncle is a detective in JC ill see if he can get you a reccomend letter.

Unknown said...

awesome, good for you man.

The Reverend Dan said...

You should head out with me and Cindy some time, motivate each other. Like Mick to Rocky.