Thursday, March 6, 2008

and the beat goes on...

So last night I D.jed again over at lamp post and I must say, I was a bit disappointed in myself. But I guess I was not all to blame, here is what happened. I was originally supposed to D.J. on the 19th of march, but Miss Vicky and Miss Tarese could not pull the shift they where supposed to so they asked if I would switch dates with them. Now had it been say a guy I would have said tough titty for you kid, but since they are very lovely ladies I said sure, no problem.
So I promote like a son ova bitch, Text's, myspace bulletins, even put the word out in my myspace name kid...all out and shit.
So I get there for 9:30 say Hi to Steff, and get ready. One small problem, the D.J. equipment was not all there. sure the speakers, the Mixing board but not the d.j mixed, channel thingy (haha and they let me d.j.) So now I have no way to play my c.d.'s, and I only have the songs that are on my computer to work with. Granted it's great shit but a lot of the same bands. Not enough variety, and like they say it's the spice of life. so I pull through with the help of Dancing Tony, Ryborg, even Rachel helped me cause I had to install I-tunes so I could have to sets of songs to mix from. I never used i-tunes till last night..sooo, she had to help me out.
Well when it was all said and done I had a decent crowed but not like the first time there. granted Steff had a good time but that's cause she is awesome and SweetPea was looking fine and feeling fine too (we shared a "brownie") but I was a bit down, ehhh it happens. Next time I will hit it out of the park. I swear. afterwards Cindy, Grace and Big Dave came by the place we smoked, laughed a lot, watched shit on you tube. a great end to a blah night. so that was that. well let me go. time to shower. be good and remember to always bring a towel.


Anonymous said...

Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. We all knew the tech problems weren't your fault, and it was no reflection on you. What matters is you played kick-ass music in spite of equipment trouble, and everybody had a blast listening to rockin' tunes. I can't wait to check out your set when you have your full arsenal of music at your fingertips.

Ro-Beast Rollie said...

Kirk said "hard on"

Anonymous said...

I also said "equipment trouble".